Release Notes
Version 1.7.11
February 26, 2025
- Resolved chained symbolic links for configuration (direct and includes) files.
- Added path control menu to the repository browser window title.
- Prevent error accidentally cloning/creating a repository into a regular file.
- Fixes some UI incompatibilities on macOS 15 Sequoia.
Version 1.7.10
October 14, 2023
- Fixed tools script for Kaleidoscope v3.
- Fixed incompatibilities on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Version 1.7.9
August 10, 2023
- Fixed and improved working with file names containing some non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed error when making first commit into the unborn HEAD branch.
- Fixed error when discarding new files with unborn HEAD branch.
- Fixed potential crash when checking out a commit into the detached HEAD.
- Improved support for latest versions of supported Diff/Merge tools.
- Fixes some UI incompatibilities on macOS 14 Sonoma (Beta 3).
Version 1.7.8
November 21, 2022
- Fixed using RSA/SHA256 SSH keys with GitHub hosted repositories.
- Fixed authorization token refreshing for GitLab and Bitbucket host accounts.
- Fixed some potential crashes and exceptions.
Version 1.7.7
October 17, 2022
- Fixed avatar pictures from Contacts / AddressBook on macOS 13 Ventura.
- Fixed some minor UI issues on macOS 13 Ventura.
Version 1.7.6
August 1, 2022
- Fast-forward (if possible) local branches to their upstreams without checking them out.
- Changed "External Diff" to show "current" file on the right side.
- Updated diff tool for newer versions of TextMate.
- Improved OAuth authorization for hosting services (especially for Bitbucket).
- Fixed Bitbucket deprecated API endpoints.
- Fixed authorization token refreshing for GitLab and Bitbucket host accounts.
- Fixed hosting account namespaces in case there are no hosted repositories for the account.
- Fixed some minor UI issues.
Version 1.7.5
March 16, 2022
- Handle symlinked paths in config include directives.
- Added "Application" menu items into the menu configuration.
- Added option to stage all "dirty" files in the commit action window.
- Fixed file preview in the commit tree columns view.
- Fixed disabled Finder menu items after executing file operation in the commit action window.
- Fixed "spam" errors when deleting/trashing a repository.
Version 1.7.4
November 1, 2021
- Allow host accounts with the same username, but on different hosts.
- Improved handling of host account lost or deleted authentication token.
- Improved handling of different versions of the same diff/merge tools.
- Fixed diff rename limit, rendering some renamed file as deleted/added.
- Fixed Bitbucket OAuth authentication with 2FA enabled.
- Fixed working with different Bitbucket accounts and HTTPS cloned repositories.
Version 1.7.3
August 19, 2021
- Added "Personal Access Token" authentication type for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.
- Added support for GitHub Enterprise (cloud and self-hosted).
- Added support for self-hosted GitLab and GitLab Enterprise.
- Added support for self-hosted Bitbucket server.
- Fixed potential authentication issue when working with different SSH private keys.
- Fixed handling of "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" configuration symbolic links.
- Fixed potential module configuration file opening problem ("Operation not permitted").
- Fixed main menu activation when a new window and the Dock icon appear.
- Fixed centering identities/avatars rounded image distortion.
- Fixed potential GitService crash with commits without messages.
Version 1.7.2
July 30, 2021
- Support conditional includes in configuration files.
- Enable amending last commit with commit message change/edit only (without staged changes).
- Fixed potential host service signing in helper launch error.
- Fixed potential empty keyboard shortcuts list.
- Fixed identities/avatars rounded image distortion.
Version 1.7.1
July 25, 2021
- Added partial file stashing (equivalent of "git stash push").
- Publish local repository into host service account.
- Count characters in the commit subject text field.
- Fixed file history to respect file renaming changes.
- Improved some error reporting.
- Fixed commit file tree column view on macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier.
- Fixed commit details UI on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and earlier.
Version 1.7
June 9, 2021
- Create, edit, comment, merge and close pull requests in repositories hosted on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket, all within the application.
- Show diff between two arbitrarily selected commits.
- Show commit messages respecting Markdown syntax.
- Added "External Diff" command, showing diff in preferable diff tool.
- Added (many) menu items to the main menu for all available actions, commands and view options.
- Added "Keyboard" preferences to customize key shortcuts for all menu items in the main menu.
- Added full keyboard control for all actions, commands and view options.
- Added key shortcuts contextual list overview for windows, shown with a dedicated menu item/key shortcut.
- Added command to show/hide commit info in the repository browser window.
- Added support for SSH authentication using ed25519 keys.
- Added option to reset Finder contextual and toolbar item menus to defaults.
- Added EULA (End User License Agreement) panel.
- Improved forth/back tabbing through UI controls in all windows.
- Improved file blame processing.
- Improved conflict resolution view UI.
- Improved commit diff view with added additions and deletions information.
- Improved supported hooks execution.
- Improved repository opening from the Finder Sync extension.
- Improved Finder contextual menu and toolbar menu items.
- Improved some error reporting.
- Fixed reference renaming from the sidebar in the browser window.
- Fixed error extracting files with deleted status.
- Fixed potential authentication error working with Git-LFS objects on HTTPS connected servers.
- Fixed potential crash of Finder Sync extension when rapidly staging/unstaging files.
- Many UI, icons and other visual improvements.
Version 1.6.2
February 23, 2021
- Separated enabling/disabling of Git-LFS on global and repository level.
- Improved handling of XFG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable.
- Fixed handling of "/etc/gitconfig" system configuration file.
- Fixed resolving of unmounted network repository folders.
- Fixed accessing commit database for repositories on network volumes.
- Fixed some minor UI issues present in dark mode on macOS 11 Big Sur.
Version 1.6.1
December 1, 2020
- Ignored absence of global "~/.gitconfig" file.
- Improved and fixed some errors reporting.
- Improved application and status item icons at lower resolutions.
- Fixed "Outside of Repo Folders" (and possibly others) error after moving/trashing local repository.
- Fixed some minor UI issues present on macOS 11 Big Sur.
Version 1.6
November 13, 2020
- Added support for macOS 11 Big Sur, fixing bugs, improving appearance and adding new icons.
- Added support for Apple Silicon processors, now running natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel.
Version 1.5.3
November 4, 2020
- Improved speed and stability of Git-LFS objects download and upload.
- Improved file diff speed and UI responsiveness.
- Improved file blame speed and UI responsiveness.
- Improved file history speed and UI responsiveness.
- Improved git status update for files and especially folders.
- Improved repository opening.
- Improved directory URL resolving of an opened repository.
- Fixed potential undefined file stage state when rapidly clicking stage checkbox.
- Fixed potential icon badges flicker in Finder.
- Fixed potential "config value 'remote.origin.skipfetchall' was not found" error.
- Fixed potential "Operation not permitted" error when relaunching the application.
Version 1.5.2
October 7, 2020
- Improved remote URL validation.
- Fixed blocking application flow while resolving network URLs.
- Fixed validation of remote URLs with "file://" scheme.
- Fixed pushing to local bare repositories with "file://" URL schemes.
- Fixed fetching repositories and keys for host accounts with no repositories or keys.
- Fixed crash accessing working directory of a bare repository.
- Fixed some spelling and typo errors in the UI.
Version 1.5.1
September 10, 2020
- Fixed diff/merge tools support for multiple installations of the same tool.
Version 1.5
July 21, 2020
- Added integration with git hosting services: GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.
- Added selection of parent folder for cloned or newly created repository.
- Added new global configuration window.
- Added multiple identities manager.
- Added support for "include" directives in global git configuration file.
- Added option to apply patch to workdir, index or both.
- Set arbitrary author and committer for all related operations (commit, merge, cherrypick…).
- Show result of pending merge, revert and cherrypick operation (success or conflict).
- Improved commit export archiving speed.
- Improved ssh connection speed.
- Improved UI and responsiveness of many operations and views.
- Performance improvements across the board.
- Many UI fixes and improvements across the board.
- Fixed resolving of conflicted file from squash commit.
- Fixed potential temporary beachball on macOS 10.14 and earlier.
- Fix potential crash/exception on macOS 10.11 when animating views.
Version 1.4.2
March 17, 2020
- Improved repository authentication when working with different accounts and different servers.
- Changed "untarck" command to mimic "git rm --cached".
- Some small UI improvements.
Version 1.4.1
February 29, 2020
- Preserve file selection in the commit file tree when changing commit selection.
- Preserve file selection in the commit file tree when switching between list and columns view.
- Export commits, commit (sub)trees and files with drag&drop.
- Fixed export location of commit file (sub)trees and files.
- Fixed selection detached branch/reference in the references sidebar.
- Fixed selection of noncontiguous diffed lines.
- Fixed updating commit summary in "History" window.
- Some small UI improvements.
Version 1.4
February 13, 2020
- Added straight-lined commits graph to the list of commits.
- Stage, unstage and discard particular lines in a diffed file.
- Highlight differences in diffed lines.
- Added commit file tree view in list and columns view types including file preview.
- Revert, blame and export files and subtrees of a specific commit.
- Enabled multiple selection of references, commits and files and appropriate context-based operations on such selection.
- Extended encoding support for diffs, blames and commit messages beyond UTF-8, GitFinder now tries to detect correct encoding.
- Fixed handling of "no newline at end of file" in diff view.
- Improved UI in all windows.
- Numerous small improvements and fixes.
Version 1.3.3
November 11, 2019
- Improved compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina.
Version 1.3.2
October 9, 2019
- Distribution application bundle and disk image are now notarized!
- Fixed some macOS 10.15 Catalina compatibility issues (actually, worked around some Apple bugs).
Version 1.3.1
August 21, 2019
- Fixed pull operation merging into HEAD branch.
- Fixed and improved reference name formatter.
- Fixed status badge and git operations for children of newly added and ignored folders.
- Fixed available operations for uncommitted HEAD branch.
- Disabled invalid operations for uncommitted HEAD branch.
- Fixed SSH authentication with password unprotected SSH keys (was libssh2 bug).
- Fixed potential crash updating folders git status badges.
- Fixed potential crash when deleting and replacing root repository folder.
- Fixed error trashing repository folder managed by iCloud (~/Documents and ~/Desktop).
- Fixed potential licensing validation issues.
Version 1.3
August 1, 2019
- Added Git-LFS support (native, git-lfs tool not needed).
- Added Git-LFS global and repository settings.
- Added support for git hooks: "pre-commit", "post-commit", "comit-msg", "post-checkout", "post-merge" and "pre-push".
- Respect global ignore rules set with "core.excludesfile".
- Improved and redesigned repository settings UI.
- Improved support for diff and merge tools.
- Improved support for settings in "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" folder path.
- Adopted Internet Access Policy.
- Numerous small improvements and fixes.
Version 1.2
December 7, 2018
- Completely redesigned the way of how application and Finder extension work and interoperate.
- Display staged and unstaged diff changes separately.
- Stage, unstage and discard particular hunks in a diffed file.
- Added Dock icon presence setting (always, when windows are present, never).
- Added option to show either full file paths, or file names only.
- Renames branches, tags, remotes, directly in the browser window sidebar.
- Prevents invalid characters when crating and renaming branches, tags, remotes.
- Significant speed improvements for many git operations.
- Better UI responsiveness when executing git operations.
- Fixed potential SSH errors (private key password asked for unrelated SSH error).
- Fixed diff line numbers drawing on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and earlier.
- Numerous (mostly UI) improvements and fixes.
Version 1.1.3
October 9, 2018
- Fixed crash when commit/push into repository without a remote.
Version 1.1.2
September 26, 2018
- Fixed fetching commit files info in Browser window.
Version 1.1.1
September 25, 2018
- Fixed "Start GitFinder at login" preferences.
Version 1.1
September 24, 2018
- Added support for system dark mode on macOS 10.14 Mojave.
- Added searchable commits in file history window.
- Improved commit search in references and commit history.
- Fixed "Revert" and "Cherry-pick" dialog views.
- Fixed potential bug when extracting symbolic links from revisions.
- Fixed some UI layout issues and inconsistencies.
Version 1.0.2
August 2, 2018
- Added option to enable/disable creation of git-deleted placeholder files (this should fix potential problems with Xcode assets and some other IDEs).
- Uses specific filename extension for git-deleted placeholder files (this should fix potential problems with some IDEs).
- Fixed commit history for git-deleted files.
- Fixed potential crash when showing the license window.
- Fixed potential accidental deletion of HTTPS credentials from the keychain.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.1
March 26, 2018
- Use credentials from "~/.git-credentials" and "XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/credentials".
- Fixed "there is nothing to stash" error during checkout/merge/rebase.
- Fixed open files limit error.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0
February 13, 2018
- First release. Everything is new!